Monday, December 23, 2019

Be wary of fraudulent civil score improvement agency

Are you on your way to hire a cibil score improvement agency to manage your finances and boost your 653 credit score? Wait a bit. Take a deep breath and listen to us. We are not dissuading you from hiring one. Rather we agree that they have all the rules and regulations at their fingertips and are professionals good at managing finances and bettering scores. All we are telling you is to be careful and not fall in for companies who will siphon off your money instead of managing them.
Secondly, they are not going to do anything that you cannot do to boost your scores. They are just going to be systematic, attentive and wise with your finances. But what they concentrate most, after a good payment history, is maintaining low credit consumption or what they commonly call as the low credit utilisation.   

Below given are a few signs that could tell you that the cibil score improvement agency you are hiring is not what they promise to be and there are high chances they could take to their heels once they have access to your finances leaving you in a situation worse than where you are now.
  1. Erasing negative information: No one can do that. Only incorrect information can be rectified and even you can do that by bringing it to the notice of the credit bureau. If the information is accurate, it is bound to stay on the credit report for at least 10 years.
  2. Create fresh credit identities for you: Crafty credit repair agencies will tell you to have new credit identities to wipe off you bad credit immediately. They will promise you that doing so will help you get a clean slate enabling you to start all over again.
  3. Rented co-signers: A cibil score improvement agency that suggests such an action is not trustworthy at all. They have links with middlemen who are ready to co-sign for those struggling with credit scores. If you agree to have a co-signer recommended by these agencies, they will charge you with a hefty amount (and you are already hard on cash) and share a nominal amount with the brokers for co-signing.
  4. They won’t educate you: Companies that will not explain what is wrong with your report or where you have been faltering could be risky. You have come to them with ‘your finances’ and ‘your records’ and have every right to know what is wrong with it and what the future course of action would be. If they do not entertain your queries steer clear of them.

Keep reading to know how an honest credit repair company works to your benefit and stay logged on for more.

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